For there are three that bear record in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost;
and these three are one.” – I John 5:7. (The Spirit, water and the blood “agree in one,” are
“to the point.” – Greek – I John 5:8.) “The Lord God hath sent me, and His spirit. Thus saith
the Lord, thy redeemer, the Holy one of Israel. – Isa. 48:16, 17. God’s Spirit is not separate
from Himself. Some one has said: “God the Father is that manifestation of God who is on
the throne of the universe. God the Holy Ghost is that manifestation of the same Spirit
everywhere present. Jesus Christ is that manifestation of the same Spirit who takes on a
visible appearance.” Man was made in the image of God, spirit, soul, and body.
The theme of the O. T. is one God. “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord.” –
Deut. 6:4.
Saul was addressing the Jehovah of his fathers, on the way to Damascus. “Who are Thou,
Lord?” He did not know that God was “manifest in the flesh.” Hear the Lord’s own testimony
and answer: “I am Jesus.” – Acts 9:4, 5. That knocked Saul out. “In that day shall the Lord
be one, and His name one.” – Zech. 14-5, 9. To the Jews Jesus said: “Except ye believe that
I am, ye shall die in your sins.” – John 8:24. The whole purpose of God in the O. T. was to
inculcate the idea of one God. This the Jews, after the Babylonian Captivity, which they
suffered for their idolatry, never got away from. The “mystery of godliness,” is the Incarnation.
“God in Christ.”
Those who deny that Jesus Christ is God, the absolute Deity, Deity the alone revelation
and manifestation of the Father, are in line for the great Apostasy. Antichrist is battering at
the walls of the church for a breach in the absolute Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. If God
can be known apart from Jesus Christ, or as a separate Person or Being from Jesus Christ,
then we are bound to throw down the walls and embrace these anti-christian forces in one
universal Fatherhood of God. And there must be two Gods, or Jesus Christ is not God. But
Jesus Christ is God. There is no other saving manifestation of God. – Acts 4:12.
Spiritualists, Theosophists, Christian Scientists, etc., claim a knowledge of God outside
of Christ. “Ye know neither me nor my Father. If ye knew me ye would know my Father
also.” – John 8:19. “Neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever
the Son will reveal Him.” – Matt. 11:27. Jesus is the full and only revelation of God to man.
The more we come to know Jesus in the Spirit the fuller revelation we receive of His
Deity. “No man can say Jesus is Lord but by the Holy Ghost.” – I Cor. 12:3. At first we see
Him as our Mediator, our Sacrifice and Intercessor. Later we come to realize His absolute
Deity, Godhead, oneness with the Father in essential being. Not simply oneness in accord.
That is but a human proposition. He is both the Son of God, and God. – Luke 1:35, “ Christ
is the visible representation of the invisible God,” – Col. 1:15-19, Weymouth. “For it is in
Christ that the fullness of God’s nature dwells embodied, and in Him ye are made complete.”
and these three are one.” – I John 5:7. (The Spirit, water and the blood “agree in one,” are
“to the point.” – Greek – I John 5:8.) “The Lord God hath sent me, and His spirit. Thus saith
the Lord, thy redeemer, the Holy one of Israel. – Isa. 48:16, 17. God’s Spirit is not separate
from Himself. Some one has said: “God the Father is that manifestation of God who is on
the throne of the universe. God the Holy Ghost is that manifestation of the same Spirit
everywhere present. Jesus Christ is that manifestation of the same Spirit who takes on a
visible appearance.” Man was made in the image of God, spirit, soul, and body.
The theme of the O. T. is one God. “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord.” –
Deut. 6:4.
Saul was addressing the Jehovah of his fathers, on the way to Damascus. “Who are Thou,
Lord?” He did not know that God was “manifest in the flesh.” Hear the Lord’s own testimony
and answer: “I am Jesus.” – Acts 9:4, 5. That knocked Saul out. “In that day shall the Lord
be one, and His name one.” – Zech. 14-5, 9. To the Jews Jesus said: “Except ye believe that
I am, ye shall die in your sins.” – John 8:24. The whole purpose of God in the O. T. was to
inculcate the idea of one God. This the Jews, after the Babylonian Captivity, which they
suffered for their idolatry, never got away from. The “mystery of godliness,” is the Incarnation.
“God in Christ.”
Those who deny that Jesus Christ is God, the absolute Deity, Deity the alone revelation
and manifestation of the Father, are in line for the great Apostasy. Antichrist is battering at
the walls of the church for a breach in the absolute Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. If God
can be known apart from Jesus Christ, or as a separate Person or Being from Jesus Christ,
then we are bound to throw down the walls and embrace these anti-christian forces in one
universal Fatherhood of God. And there must be two Gods, or Jesus Christ is not God. But
Jesus Christ is God. There is no other saving manifestation of God. – Acts 4:12.
Spiritualists, Theosophists, Christian Scientists, etc., claim a knowledge of God outside
of Christ. “Ye know neither me nor my Father. If ye knew me ye would know my Father
also.” – John 8:19. “Neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever
the Son will reveal Him.” – Matt. 11:27. Jesus is the full and only revelation of God to man.
The more we come to know Jesus in the Spirit the fuller revelation we receive of His
Deity. “No man can say Jesus is Lord but by the Holy Ghost.” – I Cor. 12:3. At first we see
Him as our Mediator, our Sacrifice and Intercessor. Later we come to realize His absolute
Deity, Godhead, oneness with the Father in essential being. Not simply oneness in accord.
That is but a human proposition. He is both the Son of God, and God. – Luke 1:35, “ Christ
is the visible representation of the invisible God,” – Col. 1:15-19, Weymouth. “For it is in
Christ that the fullness of God’s nature dwells embodied, and in Him ye are made complete.”